Sunday, September 11, 2011


I ended up making a new "AMV" for this week, this was the bigger project I was talking about earlier, since it takes a bit of time to edit a full video. (that is why there was a bit of gap between now and this post) I posted a picture above to show how a timeline of an amv typically would look like.

The orange marks are markers that I made, which help me know where certain parts in the song are (in this case I put markers down for the song). I also had to edit the song a bit to make it shorter and take out a section I didn't like.This video here doesn't have much of the FX I was speaking about in my a-m-v post, thus it won't have as much layers as my other projects (sometimes can go 20+ in layers). However, it has a more clean cut and slow style to it.Overall, I was pretty satisfied with the way I edited it, since I wasn't aiming for anything higher than a simple cute video.

Maybe next time I'll do a more complex video so I can show the process of doing FX in amvs etc.
I found the source of the video to be so adorable so I really wanted to do a cute/emotional edit using it. The idea of the video was to character profile the main girl and convey how she feels about the guy. Anyways, it all is pretty obvious so I'll just let you watch it yourself.

  Hope you liked it!

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