Saturday, December 31, 2011

Adustum - AMV (Finished)

This entire winter break has been so busy! I made it my goal to finish my two AMV projects before new years. At the time I didn't really know (well mabey I did know...) that I would wait last second to work on them. Yes, the morning of new years I edited like there was no tomorrow (get it.. 2012? HA) Anyways, I only managed to finish one of them; Adustum. The other AMV (currently has no name) still has that weird song cut that I need to fix. In all honestly, I probably put in 4-5 days worth of editing in Adustum (1-2 hours of editing sessions) so it really shouldn't have taken me this long to finish; really does show my laziness. Anyways, I hope to finish my other amv within the next week so I can release both videos in HD on the AMV site.

Adustum has been super fun! Everytime I edit something I realize how much I miss it. Editing truly is like some disease that will never go away... (o.0) The actual flow of the video was a bit more upbeat than what I am use to, however I thought it was a great way for me to try some new editing styles. I recently went through a 3Oh!3 obsession, so that pretty much explains my song choice. I really need to start working on more complicated videos so I can show the process of an AMV. Adustum did take a lot of photoshop work and pan movement/ whatever you want to call it, but that is kind of hard to show an everyday viewer. However, I'll show one thing I can for now; Lip Flap! This is when you have a character babbling on about whatever and it is really distracting in an video! Thankfully there is a way to get rid of it, an editor will viciously cut out their mouths and stitch up the hole. (In all seriousness we just get rid of them talking through masking and adjusting speed)

I'll stop talking now and let you enjoy the video.


NoName - AMV (In Progress)

Another AMV in progress. This first stated in an Iron Chef with a friend of mine. (Iron Chef is when the source and song is chosen for us and we have a limited amount of time to complete the video) I really liked my intial edit, thus I am now attempting to complete it. The audio cut I did though... isn't so great (the song was super long so I had not choice but to cut it). All the cuts are fine except for the very last one, it kind of just builds up and dies/ sounds really awkward. Once I am able to fix this problem, completing the rest of the video shouldn't take too long (a little more fancy stuff than normal since it's action, however I consider it still a simple/clean video).

Adustum - AMV (In Progress)

So, I actually have been working on this for a while now. However, it's more like I work on it for one day and then don't touch it for the next month. In total I can probably guess I spent 4-5 days on this so far? Anyways, it is almost done. Just a quick/simple video like my last one. I really do enjoy editing though, so the times I decide to work on it I have a lot of fun! I am also really liking how this is looking so far.

I will try to do more posts on progress on my AMV's since it usually takes me a while to even complete one.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

SketchBook 11

Letting you know I am still alive. I have been super busy lately X_X However, I intend to make up all the posts!
These sketches I plan on fully completing pretty soon so look forward to that!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

SketchBook 10

The one layer challenge in Sai! So I decided I need to stop relying on so many layers. It really isn't efficient and it takes up more time (really counter productive honestly). I find it a safe zone to make so many layers for each clothing/hair/skin colors. Simply because if I need to fix it or change it I can easily do so. However, I want to break this bad habit, it takes up a lot more time.. Also, it gets really confusing when there are so much layers (I have actually gone up to 50-60 layers before...) Thus I am going to try to use less layers (or one layer like in this drawing).   

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Make A Wish - Speedpaint

I did a speedpaint.


Line Art:

Animation Class Final

Camera 1:

Camera 2:

(as you can see i closed the image render before it finished by accident, however I am too lazy to open max and redo it)

Room Model 1

Room model. Made as part of my final, we are suppose to make a room then decorate it with a bunch of stuff:

Table Texture

textured my table model for part of my final:

As you can see at the time i didn't texture the bolts on the right yet.. woops. 

Random Building Model

got bored and did a lame attempt at a building X_x

Sidewalk texture

I've been having finals and because of that haven't had much time to post. So, prepare yourself for a bunch of posts of stuff I've worked on this past week!

SideWalk Textured: